Calling all photographers

What is that glimmering brightness?  Hark!  It is light on the grass!  The sky looks weird – oh! It has been uncovered; I see now that it is a blue color.  Almost all that grey stuff is gone.  Instead I see bleached cotton balls floating here and there  . . . What is this odd phenomenon? Did I fall asleep at lunch and wake up somewhere else?

It cannot be  . . . But it is. THE SUN IS OUT!

I wonder if it going to behave like a disinterested woman at a bar and tell us that we should,

Take a picture, it’ll last longer.

I am a little worried it might, so get out there with your cameras and snap away.  Later (or sadly sooner) those images will be all we have to remind us of these moments of glory.

Oh, pretty please!  Be of a duration greater than moments!

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